We Know How To Find Them
We Know How To Exterminate Them
We are termites’ worst enemy!
Here are some facts and figures on termites:
- Termites have been around since the time of dinosaurs!
- Termite colonies eat non-stop, 24 hours a day, seven days a week!
- Termites have wings that they shed once they have found a good place to build a nest.
- Termites cause up to $2 billion in damage per year!
- All termites are social insects and raise their young as a group.
- The total weight of all the termites in the world is more than the weight of all the humans in the world.
- Drywood termites have colonies up to 2500 members. Drywood termite colonies do not have workers. Younger termites called “false workers” do all the work for the colony.
Termite Prevention
Make sure firewood and scrap wood is stored away from your house.
- Seal all cracks and crevices around the outside of your home.
- Have a yearly inspection by a Pest Control Company to make sure you are being proactive.
- Most companies will provide a free initial inspection for homeowners.

Types of Termites in Southern California
Characteristics – Soft bodies and are cylindrical in shape, six legs, compound eyes and chewing mandibles. The colony is composed of a king, queen, nymphs and soldiers. An average colony can consist of thousands in number. They are known to swarm in the Spring, but can occur anytime of the year. Termites are often discovered on window sills as they are drawn to the light. All termites, when swarming, have developed temporary wings, but are not good flyers.These are the reproductives and are swarming to colonize new areas. Drywood termites are most often found in wood framing. Drywood termites eat wood, wallpaper, plastics and fabric made from plants. Drywood termites do not require moisture or contact with the soil.
Size: 3/8″ to 1″
Shape: Long, narrow, oval
Color: Light brown
Legs: 6
Wings: yes
Antenna: yes
Common Name: Drywood termite
Characteristics – Smaller in size than the Drywood termites, the colony consists of workers, soldiers, a queen and king. The soldiers have elongated heads with pincher-like mandibles. The subterranean gets its name from living in the ground, building tunnels up to the framing that look like mud tubes. The mud tubes help to protect the Subterranean termite from exposure to sun and elements. These too, are know to swarm in the Spring, but may occur anytime of the year.
Characteristics – Dampwood termites are larger in size than Drywood, Subterranean or Formosan termites. Dampwoods are not found in as many states. They are found mostly in California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Florida. The colony consists of soldiers, nymphs, king and queen. They swarm in the Spring but can occur anytime of the year. The Dampwood termite gets its name from requiring damp wood to survive.Therefore, this type of termite is not usually found in structures.
Characteristics – Formosan termites have large underground colonies. The colony can be ten times larger than a Subterranean termite colony. They build mud nests in walls and other enclosed spaces. The Formosan has currently been found in Hawaii, N. Carolina, S. Carolina and most states along the Gulf. There have been notations of them in the Riverside area of California. The Formosan can cause highly accelerated damage compared to other termites.
Workers represent the majority of the colony population and are responsible for caring for eggs, constructing and maintaining tunnels, foraging for food and the feeding and grooming of other caste members. They are white and soft bodied.
Soldiers are responsible for defending the colony. They are white, soft bodied with an enlarged, hardened head containing two large jaws, or mandibles, which are used as a weapon against predators.
Winged reproductives produce the offspring in the colony and swarm at certain times of the year. Colonies can have both primary reproductives (one king and one queen), and hundreds of secondary reproductives to assist in egg laying and colony growth.
The king termite assists the queen in creating and attending to the colony during it’s initial formation. He will continue to mate throughout his life to help increase the colony size. The queen termite creates the colony by laying eggs and tending to the colony until enough workers and nymphs are produced to care for the colony. She can live for more than ten years and produce hundreds of eggs each year. Colonies can reach several million termites with the help of secondary queens who also produce eggs.
Our Customers Say

“I first came across BPC Pest Control while looking for a company to fumigate our home for termites. Both the office staff and the technicians were very helpful, professional and friendly – they answered my questions and explained everything that needed to be done. Since then we are also using them on a monthly basis for the control of spiders, which we love. If you are looking for a friendly and honest company, BPC is the place to call.”

“My wife and I were very impressed with the professional, courteous team from BPC Pest Control. From our initial call, to the inspection, to the extermination, and finally the repairs, everyone was really great. Thank you for doing such good work for us!”
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